Company formation in Delaware, USA
Start your business with confidence with an LLC in Delaware !
What you get ?
- Preparing & Filing the Articles of Organization
- FREE Registered Agent Service for a year!
- EIN Business Tax Number
- Operating Agreement
- Lifetime Company Alerts
- Company address in Delaware (for 1 year)
- Scan and Forward services (for 1 year)
As a non-US resident, your Delaware LLC will only be taxed in the US on income from US sources, meaning that income from other countries will not be taxed by the US. No Delaware income tax if your operations are in other states (and other business tax loopholes) !
You can use a Delaware LLC to own and manage almost anything
Delaware’s business courts handle business disputes in weeks, not years
Delaware has the most pro-business laws of any US state
Delaware LLCs offer the most protection for you and your business with two-way protection.
Delaware’s laws provide the strongest shield of any state: Delaware governs the internal affairs of your company, including its liability shield. The corporate protection or “corporate shield” afforded by the Delaware LLC Act, which protects the personal assets of individual owners from creditors of their business, is thicker than any protection offered in any other state.
Managers are protected from lawsuits !
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